Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What retirees wish they knew when they were younger? By Miguel Sedano

Their answers were both simple and wise so I’ll summarize here.
1. Be happy now.  Not next week, not next month, not next year. Now. The great Western disease we are spreading around the world is “I’ll be happy when.” When I get that BMW, when I get that Ocean front house, when I get that status. Americans are among the luckiest people in the history of the world. Don’t get so wrapped up looking at what you don’t have that you miss that, what you do have.
2. Appreciate your friends and family. When you’re 95 years old and you’re on your death bed, do you think you’ll be surrounded by your clients? It’s your friends and family who matter most.
3. If you have a dream, go for it.  Want to write a book? Visit Mexico? Learn to speak Spanish? Your dream doesn’t have to big–it could be one that people think is silly, or just plain nuts. It’s your dream, and you should go for it now because when you’re 75, you may not be able to do it.
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